The Relaxer - Second Skin Mask
Jetzt noch nachhaltiger mit weniger Verpackungsmaterial und biologisch abbaubarem Vlies
- Wirkt beruhigend und entspannend
- Matcha und Algenextrakt zum Schutz vor äußeren Stressfaktoren
- Mit Hanföl als natürliches Anti-Aging-Mittel
- Verbesserte Formel: Biologisch abbaubares Maskenvlies
- 100% vegan und natürlich
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

I am now even more sustainable:
M mask fleece is now biodegradable. Additionally, it has been optimised and reduced, making it fit even better to your face while avoiding excess material. Thus, we have also developed a new packaging to save even more material in the future. Now you can enjoy me even more while knowing you are doing something good for the environment.
The Relaxer Sheet Mask is ideal when your skin longs for relaxation.
The sheet mask is soaked with algae extract, hemp oil and matcha. Thus making it full of antioxidants that protect your skin from free radicals. Free radicals are mainly responsible for the premature ageing of the skin. The mask stimulates cell renewal and moisturizes your skin. You can apply the mask spontaneously and enjoy its relaxing effect because, unlike cream masks, it does not need to be washed off afterwards. In contrast, you can simply massage the remains of the serum into your skin.
The story behind the product
We believe that nature provides the best active ingredients for your skin. That's why our products are 100% natural. We are constantly searching for the best active ingredients for individual skin needs. That is also how our Relaxer Sheet Mask was created, which contains all green plants that optimally protect your skin and make it glow immediately.
I contain many antioxidants that protect your skin from external environmental influences and premature ageing.
Green Tea Extract (Matcha)
I am full of antioxidants and thus protect your skin particularly well against free radicals. Moreover, since I minimize the influence of these external stressors, I also help fight premature skin ageing.
Wakame and Spirulina Algae Extract
Our pH value is similar to that of your skin. Thus, your skin can absorb the active ingredients particularly well. In addition, we are full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This helps us fight free radicals and support your cell renewal.
Castor oil
I stimulate collagen production and protect your skin from premature ageing. I also moisturize it a lot and make fine lines disappear.
Hemp oil
My ideal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids strongly resembles the fatty acid pattern of your skin. This allows my active ingredients to be optimally absorbed and utilized. I'm also a natural anti-ageing agent, supporting your skin's protective barrier and helping to retain moisture in the skin.
Before you apply me, start by cleaning your face with warm water. This opens the pores and allows my nourishing active ingredients to better penetrate the skin. Then take me out of the protective cover, remove the colored protective foil and fit me to the contour of your face with your hands. Sit back for 15 minutes, so I can take full effect. Remove me afterwards. You can gently massage the remaining serum into your skin or remove it with a cotton pad.
How often should I use the cloth mask per week?
That depends on the moisture needed by your skin. Though, we generally recommend 2-3 applications per week. Your skin will be moisturized and soothed. Moreover, your skin becomes noticeably softer and smoother.
What can I do with the leftover serum in the packaging?
We recommend that you cut open the packaging and spread the serum on your décolleté.
What is the pH-value of the product?
4.9 - 5.5
we are so happy to see you here! The correct disposal of your product brings us a step closer to our mission, namely to accelerate the world's transition to sustainability. Here you can find a detailed description how which part of your product should be recycled.
The finished product should be disposed off in the plastic waste.

Relaxing Effect
Beruhigt und entspannt die Haut

Besonders nachhaltig
100% biologisch abbaubar

Intensive Feuchtigkeit
Mit Hanföl und Rizinusöl
Die perfekte Routine

Reinige dein Gesicht mit dem Purifying Cleansing Foam
Um deine Haut optimal für die Tuchmaske anzuwenden, feuchtest du dein Gesicht mit lauwarmen Wasser an und massierst unser Purifiying Cleansing Foam mit sanften, kreisenden Bewegungen ein. Anschließend wird das Produkt wieder mit lauwarmen Wasser abgewaschen. Das Wasser sollte bei der Gesichtsreinigung nie zu heiß sein, da es sonst deiner Haut schadet.

Tuchmaske auftragen
Entspanne deine Haut
Nachdem du die The Relaxer Tuchmaske aus der Schutzhülle genommen hast, passt du diese an deine Gesichtskontur an. Lehn dich für 15 Minuten zurück, damit die Inhaltsstoffe vollkommen von deiner Gesichtshaut aufgenommen werden können. Nach Ablauf der Zeit kannst du die Tuchmaske von deinem Gesicht nehmen.

Serum einarbeiten
Massage mit dem Gua Sha
Um das Produkt vollkommen auszunutzen, kannst du das Serum mit unserem Gua Sha einarbeiten. So bekommt deine Haut einen exta Feuchtigkeits-Boost. Massiere dazu dein Gesicht mit dem Gua Sha immer von innen nach außen hin.

Abschließende Pflege
Versorge dein Gesicht mit dem Allrounder
Mit der The Relaxer Tuchmaske schützt du deine Haut vor frühzeitiger Hautalterung. Trage die Allrounder 24h Face Cream Cactus nach der Anwendung zusätzlich auf dein Gesicht, am Hals und Dekolléte auf und massiere es sanft ein. Dabei reichen 1 bis 2 Pumpstöße aus, um deine Haut zum Strahlen zu bringen.